Being in a relationship makes all the difference when Valentine's Day rolls around. For many years, I hated the day. Now I enjoy doing small things of love for the special men in my life. It's usually a nice dinner and some yummy baked goods. This year I am making treat packages for my favorite neighborhood kids and yummy red velvet cookies for my guys. I'm not a flowers and chocolate kind of girl. Wait, don't get me wrong, I LOVE chocolate but don't necessarily need it for Valentine's Day. I'm perfectly content getting a card from my sweetheart and sharing the day with special people.
Since we don't have a mantle for me to decorate, I have a holiday table. It usually houses all of our family photos. For Valentine's Day I wanted to keep it simple. I am obsessed with subway art. I have a frame that I use for every holiday. I found my favorite bible verse (1 Corinthians 13) in subway art form here: Perfect for Valentine's Day.
I needed to do something creative-I feel like I haven't had much time for this outlet. I saw this on pinterest:
I had the twigs, I bought some felt, cut out the hearts and improvised.
Here is what I ended up with: