Geez. Seems like I have been really busy lately, but doing what I don't know. I feel like I have been running around like a crazy lady the past few weeks. I have had a few job interviews with no offers extended. It is such a frustration trying to find a part-time or semi full -time position to gain some additional experience. I continue look for work and keep on strengthening my skills. I know that eventually something will happen-in God's time, not mine. Being a mom and managing our household seems to be consuming a lot of my energy lately. Especially the mom part. Stephen is getting closer to the dreaded teenage years. The attitude and surliness begin. UGH!! Everyday is a new battle. Anyone have any words of wisdom to help me keep my sanity during these difficult years????
I finished up a Mother's Day project. Unfortunately, I can't post pictures yet-since my second mom reads this blog. :)
It's Easter weekend. Today we had a bbq with a few of Mike's friends from work and some of our neighbors. I love our neighbors. The weather was perfect, the food was great and everyone had a good time. Tomorrow is sunrise service at our church, a hike after breakfast and family dinner. Then we begin spring break-bowling, the Getty for an extra credit project for Stephen, brother time, date night, Magic Mountain, and mini golf.
Today my friend Mitzi took a few bunny pictures with Stephen. It's been a few years-

Happy Easter!!