Thursday, May 16, 2013



My Nana passed away yesterday. She was 96 years old. For the past 10+ years she had been in a convalescent hospital and over time it became increasingly painful to visit her. The last time I went was a few years ago, she didn't know who I was, she didn't remember my kids. I made the choice then to remember how she was when I was growing up, not the woman lying in bed barely able to hear or eat, unable to walk, unable to recognize her loved ones, and slowly slipping away. I have wonderful childhood memories. Memories of my Nana teaching me to cook and bake. Something I love to do today. Memories of family get togethers, sleepovers with cousins, Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune blaring so loudly on TV you could probably hear it on the next block :) She was there for me during good times and bad times. She gave me a place to live when I needed somewhere to go with my year old son. My Nana was one tough cookie. She endured multiple car accidents and the untimely death of her husband. And yet, she continued on. She was an active member of the community, involved in church and women's groups. She may not have always showed us or told us, but she loved her family. Tonight, she rests in peace. She is with her husband, her grandchildren who went before her, her siblings and her friends. I know that they will ALL be watching over those of us who remain until that day we are reunited.

My Nana:


Saturday, May 11, 2013

Mother's Day Craft

Wishing all the wonderful Moms a very happy Mother's Day. We are on a tight budget and buying gifts for my Mom and Stepmom is never an easy process. A while back I pinned a craft idea on Pinterest-. found here  My stepmom saw it and hinted that she would like one and from there an idea was born. First, was locating the pencil boxes. I hit all the local craft stores (we don't have many) and finally found what I was looking for at Beverly's. I decided on scrapbook paper and mod podge. I used papers that I knew would complement the décor for each of my moms. I spray painted the boxes white, found some unfinished knobs at Home Depot and this is what I came up with:

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I made 2 for myself. It's a great way to store make-up brushes.