Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Summer 2013-pt.1

This summer has gone by way to quickly. Since I've been off of work, I always try to find as many fun things as possible to do with Stephen. That has not been the case this year. I had jury duty for 2 weeks in June and then Stephen injured himself at the local indoor trampoline park. In spite of being injured, the trampoline park has become a favorite hang out for Stephen and his friends. It's a great place for 12 year old boys to burn off energy and get away from the computer/video games. Stephen has spent a good portion of the summer sleeping. I swear he has grown at least 2 inches and is now slightly taller than I am. School starts in 2 weeks and I am trying to squeeze in as much fun as possible while we have time. Last week, we went to the aquarium, the beach, Ostrichland and my step-mom's family reunion. I drove 600 miles in 3 days.
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