Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Saying goodbye to summer
Watching them as they ate the disgusting flavors, was priceless.
I hope the memories we created that day stay with them. Stephen's friend moved a few days later, and while the moms were teary eyed, the boys soaked up their time together knowing that thanks to modern technology, their friend would never be far away.
Let the school year begin!!
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Today is just another ordinary day. Only it's not really. Today is my 50th birthday-half a century. When did that happen??? Sure, physically I feel slightly different, my knees sometimes will hurt as I walk up stairs and then there is the age spots that I have noticed on my arms (I'm sure this is the result of all those years ago of tanning in our backyard as a teenager using baby oil instead of sunscreen). There are times in life when we look back on the road traveled, today is one of those times for me. There has been sorrow, joy, life changing events and many precious memories along the way. Broken relationships, loved ones gone too soon, financial struggles, raising my boys with the hope that they become honorable men, and finally finding the one man who can deal with my imperfections. If I could go back and change anything, would I? I don't think so. The road has led me to where I am today, the person I am today. I like who am I now. 10-15 years ago that was not the case. I will embrace getting older, every gray hair and every wrinkle. I've earned them! I will age gracefully and continue down the path that God has laid out for me to travel on. Where it leads? I don't know, but with faith and determination I will keep moving ahead.
Monday, March 10, 2014
Mystery Solved
So it has been MONTHS since I have posted to this little blog of mine. Life has gotten extremely chaotic. Last August, I enrolled in an Algebra class and less than a month later I got a part-time job. Taking a math is class is like a full time job for me. Add in the craziness of the holidays and I'm not sure how I survived. I didn't do very well in my class and unfortunately, at some point I will need to take it again. This semester I am taking an English class and an advanced Excel course. Both classes are online which makes it a little easier to manage. Some of you may recall that my long term goal is to have my own bookkeeping business. Everything is in place; however, I need the hands on experience. God answered that prayer and I am fortunate to be working with a long time friend in her business. The experience I am gaining is invaluable and exactly what I needed. Two classes, two part-time jobs, endless laundry and raising an almost teenager. That pretty much sums up my life right now :) Oh and Mike has been working graveyard. This particular season in life has created many changes in our little family. Adapting to new work schedules (mine and Mike's) has been the most challenging. I am looking forward to spring break in a few weeks. I am grateful that my scheduled days off coincide with Stephen's. I am looking to spending some one on one time with my boy.