Thursday, March 1, 2012

Basketball, hiking and Reagan

ahhhh, it's been a few weeks since I've been able to post anything. School is keeping us very busy. Stephen has had multiple projects. Basketball has ended. Stephen continues to improve each season he plays.

The kids had a random day off from school. In our quest to hike new trails, we went hiking at Vazquez Rocks. It was a fairly easy hike. Colleen and I had our own separate adventure when we lost track of the rest of our group. Luckily, we had cell phones. Vinnie came to our rescue. My kids are crazy-no fear. Vinnie is at the top of the rock.......

Vinnie and I have been doing a weekly hike at Towsley Canyon. Next on our list is the Hollywood Sign hike. 

One of Stephen's project has been a report on Ronald Reagan. Writing is not one of Stephen's strong areas. I have to continually encourage (push) him to try. He did most of the work for this project on his own. I provided help and guidance as needed. Today is his big day-he has to give an oral speech in front of his class as Ronald Reagan. GO STEPHEN!! I'll update later on he did. 

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