Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Long over due


It's been a long time since I've actually carved out the time for this little blog of mine. Life has been crazy. I am working multiple part-time jobs while still searching for a full time position. We are in a season of change. BIG changes. Life changes. Change is scary, fear of the unknown. We have been in a storm for quite some time. A relationship that I had hoped would be for the rest of my lifetime has ended. Change. It's sad, painful. However, I know it is for the best for all parties involved. It's been a whirlwind that past few weeks-I had a perfect plan in place. Guess what? God had other plans. Sometimes it's hard to get past those doors that are slammed in your face when you are treading water and feel like your life boat is sinking. I'm a worrier. Even though I know that God has my back, I still worry. Change, uncertainty, its hard for us to let go and let God. Through it all, God has been there.The past few weeks have been extremely stressful, more than they needed to be, prayers were answered-in God's time,not mine. If I had just stopped and truly listened, I would have heard that everything will be o.k. So for those of you who are believers and going through difficult times, stop and listen. He knows what you need, don't resist, embrace the change. While it may be difficult for awhile, good things lie ahead. Hold on to hope. Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.

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