Saturday, January 28, 2012

hiking adventures

Today we went with friends to the Placerita Wildlife Center. They have all kinds of creatures. The boys especially enjoyed the snakes and spiders.

Then we decided to take the kids on a hike. I am enjoying these adventures and am thankful I have wonderful people to share them with. 

These kids are crazy. 


Sunday, January 22, 2012


I am determined to make serious changes this year. I have increased exercise and am trying to make smarter food choices. I have also done something I have never done before (twice already)- hiked up a mountain. I love the terrain and even though I feel like I'm going to die walking up the inclines, it is exhilarating once finished. It also helps to have people with you that provide motivation. I'm looking forward to doing this hike twice this week. Here's a picture taken from our highest point:

My silly valentine

I found a cool app for my phone (picsart). I've been playing around with different pictures. Here's a recent one:

Monday, January 16, 2012

Future President

Hard to get back into a school routine when the kids have yet another day off. Today was King day. Stephen has a research project to do on Ronald Reagan so we visited the Reagan Library. What better way to get information than from the actual source. We gathered some interesting information that Stephen can hopefully incorporate into his report. I guess you are wondering about the title of this post... see below (I love this).....

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year

Another year gone. I am not sorry to see 2011 end. It was a year full of change. Changes... good or bad, life is full of them. As I get older, I find it is easier to just ride it out and see what awaits on the other side. Changes happen. We have no control over most of them.
We look forward to whatever changes 2012 brings. We have goals ( I refuse to call them resolutions) that hopefully will be life changing.
Changes in eating habits and exercise habits.
The biggest goal for me is to finish my courses and get my accounting certification.
There is no escaping change. Embrace it and realize that even negative changes can produce a positive outcome.
I hope 2012 brings you all the changes you desire and the perseverance to ride out those that you do not.