Sunday, March 18, 2012

No pictures this week. Stephen brought home his report card this week. He has mostly 3s and 4s. We are proud of the progress he has made this year. Stephen also received an E in demonstrating self control. This is huge. Stephen has always been a talker. In fact, his teacher and I communicated quite a bit the first part of the school year on this very subject. Hopefully, this trend will continue. We are finally getting into a routine of normal. We have had some obstacles to overcome in the last 6 months. The biggest obstacle has been resolved and now we can move forward on some of the smaller ones. I am halfway through my toughest semester yet. I need 2 more classes for my accounting certification and a lot more for my AA. I figure I am halfway there and it would be foolish not to continue. No doubt it will take a while. Remember my rant about change. It is never ending. I am getting ready to embark on what is probably one of the scariest, yet exciting adventures yet. Some of you may know that one of the reasons I went back to school was so that I could eventually have my own bookkeeping service. I have begun researching the steps necessary to start the process and finally came up with a name for my business.  I am determined that my last years of working will not be spent in a cubicle working for other people. Mike is plugging away at his music. He is a man on a mission. Mike hopes to have product ready by June. I know he will. His discipline and dedication is amazing. Vinnie and I continue our hikes. At least once a week we are doing the 5 mile trail at Towsley.
Have a great week!

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